Monday, March 27, 2006

Whale sighting...

Because I had an amazing crew: Dia, Eddie, Rod, Marinell and Mark. A brilliant co-producer: Trisha, and 2 very talented musical guests: Ryan and Kevin from itsawhale, Saturday’s production was a breeze. All had lot’s of fun, everyone loved everyone else and although Eddie threw Ryan and Kev out of the main studio, they were able to hang out for a bit afterwards to snack and chat with Trisha and I. All around lovely boys, funny, gracious and as Trish put it, 'nice to look at.' Ahem.
Here is a picture taken at the studio, Ryan to your left and Kevin to your right.
I should be able to edit the footage on April 7th so the songs can air on the 15th of April, so stay tuned.
I have too much on my plate right now. I need a personal assistant; though I can’t pay you, please send your resume and let me know whether you own a kilt or not.

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