Thursday, August 10, 2006

Oh I lied...

but just this one last time.

For more blog go to

The links are over there to the right. I'll be in the same room as some of you at the San Francisco Church will we know each other?

Monday, June 05, 2006

Jumping ship...

...bloggies will be at or

This here space is too slow and has too many drops...just bananas!

Ten points if ya make it!

Went to a semi-formal event on Saturday night as invited guests of our great friends Joy and John. As usual our table was the rowdiest and therefore we had an excellent time. At one point the table next to us was empty and with the champagne dancing in my head I smartly deduce that the folx there had all gone home so I suggest we take those little packets of sugar and try to toss them into the glasses of water. Needless to say everyone got into it and we proceed to pelt the table with flying pink packets of faux sugar! Suddenly, I realize that there's a line of people behind us waiting to reach the desert table and I whisper "Ehm, guys? The people from the table we're aiming for are directly behind us watching the whole thing!!" We burst out laughing and try to play it as cool as possible. Later we notice that the packets of sugar have been thrown to the floor and the occupants of victimized table are giving us the shark eye big time! HIGHlarious. So aside from the terrible music and the self-congratulatory rambles at the beginning of dinner, it was a Sábado Sensacional.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Here I am with the goods obtained at Navarro, can't wait to get my hands on the bottle opener. Gorgeous grounds at Navarro Winery located in the Anderson Valley, California.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Establishing shot.

I still enjoy talking about it.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

I've been away...

...I've been here...Mendocino

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Nothing to do with music...

I hate insurance companies
Allstate specifically and their vile way of doing business in California.
I hate the SFPD and their vile, underhanded, snarky way of dealing with their populace they are suppose to serve and protect!
Accident in January of 2004
The SFPD crash into me
total my car
bills pile up, insurance company pays for them
a year later the SFPD throws me a laughable figure to make up for their negligence
a year later Allstate comes back wanting MY money back!
A pox on all of their houses!!!

Friday, May 12, 2006

Want to share another picture...

Taken during the taping on May 6 of Marty and Ricky on my show: On the Tip of My Tongue (you gotta love that shiny curtain!)

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

It really happened!

Here we are with Marty!

(l-r) Marinell, Marty, Dia, Me, Mark, Tiare, Nash, a little bit of Erika, Ricky and behind him, Jimmy.

Photo by Trisha Hurlburt

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Go read my ULTC review...please...?


Can't be still.
I may look it on the outside but I'm shifting, squirming, shaking, trembling, anticipating, fearing, waiting, wondering,'s a bit exhausting but conquerable with time.
The peak of the anxiety will appear Saturday the 6th at around, oh I say, 1:30pm and will last until the entrance is made. I can't be more specific now because I don't want to jinx anything. Sunday, when everything is calm again, I'll share it all with you.
Keep your fingers crossed for me that I'll see smooth sailing until then, yeah?
Woah, the proverbial cat is out of the proverbial bag! Go r
ead Marty's blog on his myspace account!!

Friday, April 28, 2006

Beautiful quote

"Lift up your eyes and look at the cloud and the light within it and the stars surrounding it. The star that leads the way is your star."
From the lost Gospel of Judas Iscariot.

Thanks Mem

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Saturday morning...

Was spent with this group of exceptionally talented people. That's Eddie hug/choking Marinell, Mark next to them, our talent Andrew Handrick (who flew all the way from Ireland just to be On the Tip of My Tongue!), Me, Rod, Dia, Erika and Dina. You can't see her, but Trisha our fabulous photographer, took this picture.

Not bad for a Saturday morning.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Walking around an old house...

...heading up to the roof to soak in the sunshine, I remember you leading the way... hand in yours

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Keep dodging the dangers...

Healing energy to sk, ek, mk and all the baybee k's out there.
You have dozens of people behind you and your family, everything will be alright, it has to be.

Healing energy to all who need them.

Friday, April 07, 2006

This shot melted my camera

Last time the Church were in San Francisco I took my relatively new digital camera with me, after a few shots it was completely fried. The above picture of Marty was the last one it took.
Taken earlier, the shot below is of fellow blogger, Steve K.
San Francisco, Slim's

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Bad Comedy Skit on the Bus

(Passenger) "So I need to get to Powell St., what's the closest stop?"
(Driver) "Powell..?" It sounded like the man was asking.
(P) "Powell."
(D) "Powell."
(P) Nodding, "Powell."
(D) No expression, "Powell."
(P) Connection made, "Oh, you actually stop ON Powell. Great, thanks!"

Now I ask you, was it too difficult for the driver to have said: "I stop on Powell, or Powell IS a stop...or something similar? Honestly!


Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Crew call!

Cee, Rod, Marinell, Mark, Dia, Eddie, Ryan, Kevin, Erika
Mind you, Ry, the one with the guitar, and Kev, the one in red, are 2 members of the 5 piece band: itsawhale!

A bottle and a rosary...

It used to mean a lot, mean a lot to me
Now it doesn't mean it doesn't mean a thing
It used to mean a lot, mean a lot to me
Now it doesn't mean, doesn't mean a thing
And I pretend that it meant a lot to me
But it never meant, never meant a thing
Used to mean a lot, mean a lot to me.
Now it doesn't mean...
Doesn't mean anything.

I love Ryan Adams

Monday, March 27, 2006

Whale sighting...

Because I had an amazing crew: Dia, Eddie, Rod, Marinell and Mark. A brilliant co-producer: Trisha, and 2 very talented musical guests: Ryan and Kevin from itsawhale, Saturday’s production was a breeze. All had lot’s of fun, everyone loved everyone else and although Eddie threw Ryan and Kev out of the main studio, they were able to hang out for a bit afterwards to snack and chat with Trisha and I. All around lovely boys, funny, gracious and as Trish put it, 'nice to look at.' Ahem.
Here is a picture taken at the studio, Ryan to your left and Kevin to your right.
I should be able to edit the footage on April 7th so the songs can air on the 15th of April, so stay tuned.
I have too much on my plate right now. I need a personal assistant; though I can’t pay you, please send your resume and let me know whether you own a kilt or not.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

In the control room, no one can hear you scream! Or, the out of control room.

I've heard of directors walking out of productions and I had thought, for the most part, that it was a result of an ego out of control! So imagine how surreal it felt that I was doing the exact same thing!

Last night at the studio, I was directing a performance from a string quartet from St. Petersburg. The producer and I had gone over what the show was going to look like and after about 5 different sound checks we were ready to go at quarter to 10pm (already running an hour behind schedule). We laid down the bars and tone, we got through the opening credits and the first movement, I told my floor director to count the musicians down into the second movement when all of a sudden aforementioned producer started hollering “Why is he talking? Why is he talking? He’s ruined it! I wanted it to be like a live concert!” All this as the performance is still going on and I’m trying to set up shots with three cameras and directing my td! I’m trying to keep it together and half understand what the producer is going on about.

At one point I asked my td to take over and asked what the problem was. Turned out the producer and one of the facilitators had decided to change the format of the show right before we began, and they changed the graphics DURING the performance and never bothered to tell the floor director or me. Brilliant! As a result my concentration was shot and I was, let’s just say a little more than a little bit, angry. I kept going through the end of the fourth movement and when that was done. I grabbed my coat and purse and walked out of the control room. About 5 people followed me, one of them, the producer who kept insisting he had told me of the changes and I insisting that he had not. In retrospect it was useless going back and forth with the “I did!” and “No, you didn’t!” Yet, it took place and there you go. The facilitator did interrupt and apologized on the spot owning up to changing things and not telling me, which was fine but I was still angry. The kicker was having the producer ask me to stay and do the fourth movement over, to which I responded, “The fourth movement was the best take!” Apparently not for the quartet, which I understand, but honestly, I was too rattled to even attempt a decent direction.

I drove home, ranted, took a hot shower and went to bed. This morning I received a long letter of apology from the producer, fair enough. The end result was that they had the facilitators direct the entire show over…hopefully the producer will end up with some material he can use.
I am so glad I don’t do this for a living…I’d look like Eddie Van Halen!

Friday, March 03, 2006

Someone is wearing a wig

Hey Cecilia,
I’m going to take a guess and say you're the Cecilia from San Fran that X is always mentioning... In fact many times I've been with him he's been on the phone with you... I feel as if we're already friends... Nice to meet you finally even if it's through myspace..D

I'm as stunned as you are, especially about the phone calls someone impersonating me...?

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Hello Down There

About a million years ago my friends and I were looking for the weekend punk rock show (a weekly ritual), we ended up in South Central L.A. or somewhere equally as dangerous. After some surreal small talk with the shadey locals they decide we're cool so they guide us to the venue. I remember being in the club's back alley with some people sharing the contents of a small bottle, a.k.a. really cheap wine, when the woman I was talking to points up into the night and says "The gestapo!" I look up and all I see is a blinding beam of pure white light, everyone scatters like, yes you guessed it, roaches. I'm left there in the middle of the spotlight wondering why Scotty is taking so long to beam me up when I feel my arm being grabbed by Alicia who pulls me back into the darkness of the club.

I still don't know who was playing that night.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Extra Starbuck for ya...

We'll see the sun come up on Sunday morning 
And watch it fade the moon away
I guess you know I'm giving you a warning
Cause me and moon are itching to play
I'll take you on a trip beside the ocean
And drop the top at Chesapeake Bay
Ain't nothin like the sky to dose a potion
The moon'll send you on your way

feels right

Gracias Dave!

On the Tip of My Tongue - March show

Right, so Ryan tells me that he and Kevin (from the band itsawhale) will come out and do some acoustic stuff on March 25, which is grand but something tells me they may be a no show! Still, I shouldn't jump to conclusions because lately, all of my guests have been on time, the trend started with The Sort Outs who are no more by the way. Greg and Keith have begun again with the appropriately named new band,The Beginnings. So far they've only played a leather bar, which makes zero sense whatsoever - who is booking these guys? Garrin is playing tomorrow, I have to say he is one of the top 20 amazingly talented people I've had on my show, Austin Willacy, pc muñoz, Colin Devlin, Lisa Mandelstein, Paul Manousos, The Suns, MWP, Carmel Waller, James Nash and Lane Murchinson being some of the others.
The Suns should have a new record out before the year is over, I think Summer or Fall is the target season. Can't wait.
The Church are to release Unwelcome Like the Clouds sometime this Spring, I understand the record is already a year old. There is also a SKilbey biog in the works, the pre-orders are on eBay, just type in Steve Kilbey.
pc is busy producing records for other folks, but his latest enterprises: 20 Haiku and Highschool Reunion are out and available.
If you want the links to any of these talented folx, drop me a comment baybee.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Friday, February 24, 2006


Ceres enters Aquarius at 5:49am eastern time. Read about the Triangulum by pasting the following in your browser.

I guess I'm wimping out today and not writing a legit blog because I'm sure you don't want to read about my dentist appointment, so pour yourself a glass of your favorite champagne and open your arms to the sun.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


When I moved to Veracruz that was one of the words my classmates would ask me to pronounce. I couldn't roll my 'rrrrrrrrs' properly and for some reason my blunders would prove hilarious! No matter, I'd counter with a very off color mouthful of (in)proper English, it was 5th grade revenge that only I was aware of.
Buy the sky
and sell the sky
and lift your arms up
to the sky
and ask the sky
don't fall on me

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


for Yossi Offenberg and Ebony to call me.
Unrelated representatives and unrelated to each other, yet each want my $. Of course I'll get something back. One, a membership to bar bells and eliptical machines. The other a ticket to the vast great unknown of residential high speed connections.
Gavin: is San Francisco going wireless or is it another one of your fanciful lies?

Oh, and anyone who wants to post a comment now is able to, I had to click a certain box for that to happen...random!

Friday, February 17, 2006

I'm only dreaming

I don’t know how it began but TP, MWP and SK were playing in this small hall. PK must have still been in the tropics. I was there with a friend from grade school, Teresa from Veracruz. We were very excited that the Church were playing in this small venue because they had just finished playing this huge arena and we were left to watch them through binoculars. Something we did not enjoy. The three lads were in white and at one point Steve handed Teresa and I some maracas. Mine had a wolf’s head and was incredibly ornate and beautiful Teresa’s was a bit more common though with a flawless red glaze. Steve asked us to keep time for the next song and I said, ‘Oh no, this may be another Jesus Tambourine story!’ He laughed and said not to worry. So then MWP, standing where PK usually does, starts this gorgeous acoustic song called New York (not R.A.’s song) and T and I start to keep time. We’re doing great until the very end, and then everyone falls out laughing.
Head back to my house and find out my gran has fallen asleep in front of the tv. This gran supported her family by giving guitar lessons and she was quite accomplished. Could play any style of music and had an impeccable ear. She picked out the name Cecilia for me, patron Saint of the musicians. MWP woke her up and they started to talk about music, Marty in his broken Spanish, it was brilliant. My gran asked him to get her guitar and as he disappeared up the stairs I woke up.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

It's all mixed up!

Gods! Has Mercury gone retrograde earlier than expected? I have 3 dropped voice mailboxes, insomnia and no access to absinthe! Dave, share the stash, man.
Storm clouds on the horizon...time to put away the chanclas! Do pedicures in Winter make sense?

Friday, February 10, 2006

La Llorona de azul celeste

One of my favorite traditional Mexican songs is la Llorona, a version of the piece can be found on the Frida soundtrack. When I was living in Veracruz we used to sing it in school but we never took on more than 4 or 5 verses, come to find out there are over 33 of them. One that we never sang follows:

De tarde se me hace triste, Llorona,
de noche con más dolor;
suspirando me amanece, Llorona,
llorando me sale el sol.

Afternoon is saddened, Llorona
The night holds more pain
The dawn finds me sighing, Llorona
And only tears for the sun's rays

I cheated a little bit there for the sake for the rhyme. It's a great song, I'm going to try to find it outside of the Frida soundtrack. Something more traditional.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

SPF 4500

I'm enjoying the sunshine in San Francisco, don't get me wrong yet I am concerned that it's 70 degrees and it's February. Global warming, oh you better believe it, go read this and be worried with me. Make sure you check out Carl Sagan's quote at the very bottom of the page.
Just for the record I never used Aqua Net.

Monday, February 06, 2006


I cut my finger on one of the locks in one of the stalls. A lock I’ve locked and unlocked a myriad of times, I can’t explain why I was so off this time around. The nick is on my Saturn finger, right between my fingernail and my knuckle, not on my stigmata hand but on my other one. It’s a vertical cut and nearly half a millimeter in length but judging by the pain I surely thought the cut ran down the length of my entire finger. But the pain was deceiving still a nice reservoir of bright red blood sits there just below the surface, reminding me I’m alive.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Time is imaginary

It's 5 minutes to 5 and I'm killing time.
The Suns are helping as Dave is sweetly singing They Came for Waves. Do investigate The Suns, please? Here's the link to get you started The music will transform you, and you'll be happy that I helped in your musical addiction, education, collection, admiration, elevation, obsession, creation, etc...
It's 3 minutes to 5 ad I'm killing time.
I'm due at the studio tonight at 6, I get off at 4:30. If I would have left at 4:30 I'd be sitting at the studio with not much to do for nearly an hour so it's best that I stay put and try to be semi creative on this blog. Try to be clever? Are you kidding me? I should live that long.
It's 1 minute after 5 and I'm killing time.
I've already read SK's blog. Why don't you have one, Dave? Just asking. Beth has one but she talks mostly about work and I'm sorry to say it's a bit boring for me, but I guess she rants about work on her blog to prevent taking the elevator to the roof armed with an uzi. You know? I have no idea wether I spelled uzi right or not...wait let me go check...ok I'm right. Of course you'll never know if I had it wrong at first then changed it! Am I sneakly like that? When it comes to firearms, you bet I am!
It's 6 minutes after 5 and somebody just called me with work related issues, hello please, I am not here, you cannot see me and you cannot call me. Save your question for Monday. I've left the building, I'm just here killing time.
It's 8 minutes after 5 and I'm just killing time.
Tomorrow is a different story, I'll actually be directing my show and not someone else's like tonight. Tonight is Rod's show: The V.O.I.C.E. I have no idea who the guest is but I'm sure he or she will be armed with a very deep message. My show's message is: music baby, On The Tip of My Tongue is about the music and the people behind it. I have Garrin Benfield coming in. Oh, he dragged his feet but not as severley as Lane!
It's 10 minutes after 5 and I'm just killing time.
My fingers are getting cold because of the temperature dropping outside and me sitting by this huge window. Hell, can't we go wireless please? Ooops, talking about work, sorry.
So Sabrina and Sebstian produced the Waves video for the Devlins, I swear if those boys would give back to the fans a little more often they'd have a record company, a distribution department, marketing department, etc...all for free! Their fan base is one of the most loyal I've ever encountered, it mirrors the Church's albeit they haven't been around for nearly as long.
It's 15 minutes after 5 and I'm getting a headache from all this time killing.
Time for me to go.
I feel like a soul desert - thanks Dave!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Fue por ti?

Estaba temblando, te lo digo en serio, temblando
mi anatomía zumbaba gracias a la cafeína
ó fue por el impacto de tu voz?
ó por la fuerza de tus palabras?
ó por la entrega de tus melodías?
ó por la violencia de tu guitarra?
ó por las lágrimas en mis ojos?
ó por tu sabor en mi boca?

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Road trippin'

Driving south and subsequently, days later, north on interstate 5 was surprisingly a joy what with the lush green hills in the distance and the newly created marsh land hugging the tarmac. It was bordering on magnificence watching snow white egrets, great blue herons, brown pelicans and ducks of all colors splash in the ponds shaped by the rains that were so destructive to some and yet so fiercely in their creation of something so beautiful. The Tejon Pass, usually a source of “chains required” stress in the winter smiled down on us with a temperate sprinkling of rain while at it’s summit powdered snow gently hugged the curves of the mountain. The sun fought to gain control over the dominating gray clouds but was only successful once the geographical jurisdiction was relinquished by the hold of the mountain. Upon our descent into the San Joaquin Valley I could see multi-colored parcels of land being kissed by happy sunbeams, which streamed through pure white clouds suspended in a sky of blinding blue. Driving through central California on interstate 5 is an experience reserved for January, after the rains and in between snowstorms, we calculated the window just right and me without my crystal ball.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Kayak, anyone?

So our Napa neighbors, our Guerneville brothers and sisters are dealing with the flooded waters caused by 3 to 4 indiscriminate rain storms that have slammed into our geographical neck of the woods. There are ceiling tiles on the floor right outside the door, doesn’t anyone do “floor checks” anymore? I suspect no one was around because of the holidays, yet this is a 24-7 security building, maybe just the ghosts take notice of what’s not working or of what seems odd and out of place. No one is here except for me, I had to check the calendar twice to make sure today was the right day to come back, and it is. The rain never left so I’m in good company. Filmed the waves on NY’s Eve, I thought their punch would be more powerful, but the tide was out. To compensate I did capture an airborne battle between two ravens and an osprey. Did you know that ospreys are capable of very impressive barrel rolls? The sun was shining, the waves sang in a low rumble and the birds fought with graceful acrobatics. Nice way to end 2005.